Friday 21 March 2014

Lots of Socks Day!!

Today we all wore lots of socks to raise awareness for World Down Syndrome Day, also known as Lots of Socks Day!! World Down Syndrome Day takes place on the 21 March every year. The date 21/3 represents the three copies of chromosome 21 that people with Down Syndrome have. 

Check out the photos of us wearing socks in creative ways. We even got a shout out on More FM this morning!! Did you remember to wear your socks today? 

We watched this YouTube clip to learn more about Down Syndrome.


Miss Gentil also shared a photo of her friend Dan. We think Dan is awesome. 

We made these posters for you Dan to say happy Lots of Socks Day!! 


  1. Wow....Dan loves your posters !!!!! and he laughed when he saw the one with the dog saying "woof"

  2. Awesome photos of Lots of Socks Day Room 8!!!
    from Ms Marie Ringrose - Head of Art at Tikipunga High School and Hannah A's aunt.
